I am unable to download Twinmotion assets. Are they only available with the commercial license?

I am asked to sign in. I have repeatedly tried signing in and out of Twinmotion and Epic and I've turned on two-factor authentication on Epic. I'm using Twinmotion 2023.

Hey Chandra,

You should be able to download those assets on all Twinmotion versions. Could you please sign out of your Epic Games account on your default Web browser? It might be worth clearing your browser's cookies/cache before opening Twinmotion from the Epic Games Launcher.

Once inside Twinmotion, click File, and at the bottom, click Log into Epic Games account if you still aren't signed in.

Here is a list of Twinmotion's required endpoints in case your network is blocking any traffic:

  • https://twinmotionhelp.epicgames.com/s/article/Twinmotion-Requirements-for-remote-services?language=en_US

Let me know if you're still seeing this issue. Thank you,

Thank you Sky! This did the trick.

I have just tried this too and to no success. I cant use any assets with my paid license of twinmotion.