hey, i am new in Unreal Engine 5. I made trajectory projectile by watching this video https://youtu.be/i7zrfN3bJbw?si=cn3GUSgem-UZ0V7b . now i want my player in this all traces and reach last trace. Please anyone help me.
Thank for reading
hey, i am new in Unreal Engine 5. I made trajectory projectile by watching this video https://youtu.be/i7zrfN3bJbw?si=cn3GUSgem-UZ0V7b . now i want my player in this all traces and reach last trace. Please anyone help me.
Thank for reading
A somewhat similar example:
One way or another, if you have a bunch of points, generate a spline and glide the character along it.
Use a spline, add 10 or so points to it, and call a function whenever you determine the trajectory to set it’s points (indexes) to certain locations on the trajectory by using the Set Location at Spline Point
node. Then get the Find Location Closest to World Location
node (don’t forget to plug your spline into the Target
pin and set the Coordinate Space
to World
) and plug it’s Return Value
pin into the New Location
pin of the Set Actor Location
node. Place the Set Actor Location node after Event Tick. You can place a Gate
node before executing it, open it when you trigger the jump and close it once the character’s location is the same with the location of the spline’s last point. Place a Branch
node after the execution to detect this condition and plut it’s True
pin into the Close
execution pin of the Gate node. Also constantly trigger the Add Movement Input
node while all of this is happening to actually make the character move along the spline. You can get the last point of the spline by using the Get Location at Spline Point
node, connect it to the A pin (the upper one) of a subtraction (-) node, then get your character’s location by using the Get Actor Location
node, connect it to the B pin (the lower one) of the same subtraction node, turn the result into a unit vector by using the Normalize
node and plug it into the World Direction
pin of the Add Movement Input node.
Oh I didn’t realize you already replied @Everynone I guess we posted at the same time!
You were busy building the wall of text! ;p
Yeah I’m on mobile right now so I couldn’t provide visualizations. But I checked out that post of yours on the other topic and it seems epic!
Thanks a lot friend…
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