I am wanting to make a mod for torches and campfires, one that produces more Heat and more light. I am not able to place the standing torch on a thatch foundation in the test area. (I am VERY new to this) I know that it’s Probably a very simple fix but I just can’t figure it out.
Ok I will Try that. thank you
I am able to place it by clicking and dragging But I want to be able to place it as the player. I can craft it and everything I can hold it in my hand I just can’t place it on the ground.
i’m also new to this and i’m not good at english but maybe i can help you, in unreal you can easily put any static mesh (.fbx files that you’ve modeled in some third part program like blender) or actors (objects that inherits from the class “actor”) by simple dragging it from your content browser to your world, if you have a torch and want to put it on the world just drag it to the map should work, you can also make it spawn trough code, if you tried this and it’s not working try zooming in, maybe the torch is just to small (it happens sometimes) in that case you can select it press “R” and change the scale.
ok, now you just want to change the brightness? i suppose you made an actor blueprint with some kind of light atached to it, select the light component and you should see settings like this:
i think a higher intensity should give you the desired effect, so just increase the intensity value, also you can change the “atenuation” value (so the light should go further), talking about a torch you can also change the light color from white to some kind of orange so it will give a “fire-light effect” hope it helps
in case you did a new actor blueprint with an light in it, you should find those settings in the torch blueprint
I got it placing now. I just need to change the brightness. Any suggestions on how to go about that?? I’ve been trying different things. It still hasn’t worked
in case you wanna change it in the blueprint through code just drag the light component from the components list to the event graph then type “set intensity” and add the value you want as the new intensity
you wont want to use spotlight to simulate fire from a torch (no fire is static). use the particle system that comes with the starter content. there is a fire one that works ok. go to youtube and look for particle system tutorials, its not so hard once you understand the basics.