I am not able to change parent socket

Hello I am trying to attach spotlight to hand socket I just made but not able to change parent socket. not too sure why I am not able to. It says cannot change socket on inherited components. Thanks

With the setup of components you have, you can do the attachment in blueprint. Here’s a setup like yours, having a spotlight and a static mesh, using AttachComponentToComponent function.

I hope, this is helpful for you.

Edit: forgot to mention, that you can do it in blueprint at runtime as well as in the construction script.


Same exact problem here on parent weapon. I assigned a socket yesterday, it worked fine. Then today, I removed the socket association, now I can’t add it back. I’ll post a solution if I find one.

Version: 4.25.3-13942748+++UE4+Release-4.25

In my case, a message “Select a different Parent Socket - cannot change socket on inherited components” displayed. I solved by using the blueprint node AttachComponentToComponent at the ConstructionScript.


It has to be a child of the mesh so that it can use the sockets


This was the thing! Thanks!