I am looking for a full, simple game making tutorial for UE4. Any help appreciated.

Like a lot of people on here, I am new to UE4 and I am looking for a good tutorial for UE4.

More specifically I want a very simple tutorial designed for a complete beginner that, once completed, I will have a very basic simple game to play. I am talking one level,with one enemy and just a few simple assets. In fact the more simpleit is the better.

I want this specifically because I know that’s how I learn. I know my brain will imagine UE4 as a unconquerable beast even if I finish 50 tutorials on various things if I don’t make a little game in it.

I did this tutorial with gamemaker:

As well as started a more complex Unity game tutorial, and was pleased with the results.

If there is a tutorial or course that is close to what I have described free or paid I am very interested in it. Thank you!

Hi OldAccount29

So you looking complete game including menus, scoring system, etc, or the bulk of a game and you can finish it off with a few youtube videos?


Hello ,

I am hesitant to get really specific with my question, because I don’t know which would be best (I don’t know how hard it will end up being) and I would have get more suggestions from people to choose from, or maybe I would even do every suggestion given. (If there is not a lot)

To try to answer your question, my goal here is just to learn, and to have a basic game as a confidence boost, not to sell or anything. Because of this, I don’t really care what genre it is as long as I am learning some basic stuff about creatinga game and UE4. So if the tutorial included scoring and menu, that’s fine, if not, that is fine as well.

The main metric I have is "Is this tutorial too complicated for a complete beginner? Will I be out of my depth, get too lost to continue and give up?

I think I may have found one!

Tutorials | Shooter Tutorial - I haven’t looked at it much, but it looks good. I am still very open to alternatives so if you know one please feel free to post it!

For any beginners looking for a similar resource, here is some stuff I came across:

The official UE4 massive tutorial playlist on YouTube

Here is a youtube series walking through the basics of UE4

Here is one that fits what I am looking for, except I have a feeling it might be a little more complex then I wanted, and also the guy seems to have abandoned the tutorials halfway through the game. (although following them up to where he stopsIam sure would be very educational)

Here a a couple of tutorials I found that fit what I’m looking for, except they are in unity:

And another one for Construct 2:

I don’t think UE4 has been out long enough for there to many full “how to create a game from scratch” type tutorial series plus UE4 gets changes/updates quite regularly so the tutorials can get outdated quite fast, there is a creating COD zombies game thread, I don’t think its finished but you can learn a lot from it.

Thanks for the reply and the link. It looks like just the type of thing I want! I think what I may do is complete the first section of each of these game tutorials then choose which one I want to completefully. Once Ive done that, if I feel confident Ill go start my own project, and if not Ill choose a second tutorial to do.

Top Down Twin Stick Shooter on the Unreal Engine YouTube channel (and possibly in that very playlist) does exactly what you’re looking to do.

Travistyse, thank you for the reply! I skimmed through the videos quickly, and its super awesome!

Here is the tutorial he mentioned for anyone else interested.

For learning, these 4 got me a fair way. I love

Some of my favorites on youtube are

Awesome,thank you for those links. I glanced through them ad they look very promising.

I’ve gotten some really quality replies and there are more resources out there similar to what I was asking then I thought there would be, so I pretty freaking happy right now.