I am launching an arrow in UE5, but it is spawning from a different point on the map instead of coming from me.

Hello, I have prepared a blueprint like this. The arrow is working and moving in the direction I’m looking at, but there are two issues. First, the arrow is spawning from a random point on the map instead of originating from me. Second, the arrow’s movement is affected by the direction I’m looking at. For example, when I make an S-shape with my mouse, the arrow also follows the same movement pattern. Is there anyone who can help?


Answer is using “Lerp”. I m trying to make that over 4 hours. Now i will never forget Lerp fonction. If you using set world location its move but its move to 0,0,0 to X, Y, Z

If you dont know what is Lerp, probably trying that way.

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