Hello every one. I am trying to place a Pivot point on a gate that I have set up, but I am having an issue with the Pivot Point. I have moved the pivot point to the location I want it to be at and Used Set As Pivot Offset in the menu. Also I have tried using Set As Pivot Offset Here option as well. My issue is, the pivot Point seems to be set right where I want it except when I test the gate in game, the gate seems to Pivot in the center rather than the edge where I had set the Pivot Point. When I exit the game and re-select the gate, the Pivot Point is still set at the edge of the gate where I set it. Why is the gate opening at the center rather the edge where the Pivot poit is set at, and how may I fix this issue?
Bump It has been several days since I posted this request for some assistance for my gate. I am trying to set the pivot Point at the edge so i can set it up in a Matinee for opening and closing. Each time I set the pivot at the edge, return to the Matinee and set the first point, return to the gate, the pivot will return to the center of the gate. Is I deselect the gate, then re-select it again, the pivot will be back on the edge. when I open the gate using the pivot at the edge (which works fine at this point) then return to the Matinee and set the second marker it seems fine then. But, when I test the Matinee, the gate opens at the middle again. Now, I return to the gate and check it again (as above) the pivot will be at the edge again. Odd thing I had noticed is that it will most times DUPLICATE the gate when I set the marker in the Matinee. What in the world is going on? Does any one have any idea or is it just me that is being so stupid after making this same door type several times before with no problem with older versions of Unreal 4?
Thank you truly for your response. I was trying to make the gate like a regular door by following this site: UE4 Tutorial - How to create an automatic door - YouTube
I had a similar issue before with a Chest lid, where I could not move the Pivot Point in it either. I ended up forcing it to work simply by moving the Pivot point on the lid, changing it into a blueprint, then adding the bottom to a different blueprint then adding the lid blueprint to the bottom blueprint (child blueprint). Then it worked. lol I know, a long way to go to make something work hu?
the best way to solve this issue is to take your gate and bring it into your modeling software and change its origin there. that will be the simplest and most expedient method to fix the issue.
That said is your gate in a blueprint? if so that could be part of the issue.
i see what you mean. the door in that tutorial has its origin at the bottom on one of the corners. I personally dont try messing around with the pivot points in the engine. It really is best in my opinion to export the mesh and move its origin in a modeling program. For something like a door you could make it a blueprint and just rotate the whole blueprint but thats really not the best way to handle things.