I am Having Issues with my Menus and Transitions UE 5.1

Hello. I am having an issue that after some hours of looking I still could not figure out so I’m posting on the Forum.

Video Demonstration- Unreal Menu and Transition HELP - YouTube

I have a few levels in my game, and in the editor, everything works fine. All the transitions work, i can go from one level to the next no problem. My problem starts when I package the game.

I open the game and the Main Menu works just fine, I click start and I am in the game just fine, However when I try to transition to the other level, my Main Menu pops up, then I’m back to square 1.

-I checked my Blueprints, and everything looks good. (it works just fine in the editor)
-all my levels are in the “List of Maps to Include in the packaged Build” in the Packaging Settings

I am not sure what is going on here. I tried looking for a solution, It might be my main menu Widget, or some Blueprint.

This could be a lot of things.

I would recommend making a completely new level and trying to have that new level transition to the other level. Figure out if that works.

Also, not what you asked, but you might want to use the search function to find all of your “set game mode UI” or whichever node that was. One of them doesn’t have a player controller attached to it or it doesn’t like the one that is there.

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Here is the Event Graph for the main menu Widget, i followed a tutorial for this. I don’t know if that’ll help.