I am getting the Can't find Xcode Message 4-27, 4-26,

Moving to a newer iMac 2020

3.8 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i7

I am getting the Can’t find Xcode

I found my Xcode…

I even downloaded a new Xcode 13.2.1 but can not

tell if it loaded right

4.27.2 or 4.26.2 are giving me the same error.

Did the easy fix. It did not work.

sudo xcode-slect -s /Appications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer

Help please ! ? !

I assume those are typos in the post, but just in case they aren’t, “xcode-slect” is “xcode-select” and “Appications” is “Applications”.

I had a similar problem (not on an iMac but on an older Pro on Big Sur). I did the command (with those changes) and 13.2.1 loaded after right clicking on the uproject file and selecting to build the XCode project file, then selecting to open XCode after the Editor opened.

If the editor won’t open, the start XCode from the xcode_workspace file in your project directory and build the editor from there.

i have the same problem

Are you using the command as shown here, the above command line had typos and won’t work:

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer

If so, have you verified that the path /Applications/Xcode.app exists.