Looks like something went wrong. For your protection, this transaction has been voided and your funds will be returned in 3-5 business days.
Looks like something went wrong. For your protection, this transaction has been voided and your funds will be returned in 3-5 business days.
I’m getting this same issue even tried with a different account. Seems to be across the board with VISA.
I’m having this very same issue. I’ve made several purchases on the marketplace however when I tried to add any new Visa card it gives me this very same error.
If you’re experiencing this issue on the UE4 marketplace, be sure to reach out to marketplace-support@unrealengine.com and inform them. They will be able to assist you in resolving the issue. Good luck! =)
Hello everyone! I have the same issue today with “Looks like something went wrong. For your protection, this transaction has been voided and your funds will be returned in 3-5 business days.” Tried to make the payment first time with my Revolut Card, and then a couple of times with a regular debit card having the same issue. Can someone help me with this situation?
Hello all.
The forums are not the correct place for assistance with financial transactions.
Please see the **BILLING SUPPORT **link for answers to common questions and note the CONTACT US button on the right side of that page.
If you are experiencing an issue specifically with the Unreal Engine Marketplace, view the MARKETPLACE SUPPORT SITE](https://marketplacehelp.epicgames.com/s/topic/0TO1a0000000duGGAQ/customer?language=en_US) and Create a Case as necessary.
Thank you, I am closing this topic.