I am curious

I have two questions

  1. Can creators of structeres from the marketplace, also sell their products on other marketplace?

  2. Can I buy exsample a house, and then use this house in 3D world, where I then sell the house for profit?

  1. I don’t think the EPIC marketplace requires exclusivity, but you have to make sure when you sign the agreement.

  2. You cannot re-sell the asset as an asset but you can re-sell use/access to gameplay elements that use the asset. The main difference here is “source asset data” (not allowed) versus “compiled into a game and not exportable from there” (allowed.) Whether you “make money” or not, isn’t really important.
    Thus, if you have some feature in your game where the player can pay money to “unlock access” to a house that you bought in the marketplace, then that’s allowed.

Hey @IQCutie! Welcome to the forums!

To add on a bit more to what @jwatte explained, if you would like a full rundown of what you can and can’t do with assets you obtain on the Marketplace, you can check the EULA here: