I am creating a Planet to walk on

I am creating a planet by using this video, then I am putting the player start on the planet and this what I get.

How to Create Planets in Unreal Engine: Ground to Space Transition UE4 Tutorial

this what happens when I hut the play button.

Not only the player start, but you also have to specify what sort of pawn you want


You want a planet to walk on ? It’s going to be huge so it’s going to be slow.
You can only do that with a dynamic procedural mesh and you have to create a gravity system for it so you don’t fall off of it. If it’s only a presentation then you can create it with a static mesh I guess.

Sorry MIA for a while so dynamic procedural mesh do i create this in Maya. What if I create the planet in Maya and Zbrush then import to unreal.

If it’s just one mesh it’s going to be huge, your mesh will have vertex points, lots of them if it’s a realistic planet to shape terrain, you will have to split your mesh into parts and glue it inside unreal somehow, but at the same time each part would remain independent so you can create a level of detail for it, even maybe culling. Gluing things is best done with one of the procedural tools inside unreal.

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