I run a small co-op of like-minded engineers, devs, and artists, who love to share. Just like Unreal Marketplace assets can be shared for development, I want to offer you an opportunity to help us develop “virtual concerts.” Please, contact me if you would like to hear about how we share my > 1800 packs from the marketplace. Reach me at pjschieck@aol.com, build-a-concert.com, and check out numerous “Unreal Co-Op” videos I’ve shared on my YouTube (search for Pete Schieck).
I’m also a C#, SQL Server, and C++ developer. I am currently an industrial engineer, and also build hardware solutions (kiosk, HMI, industrial historians). I live in the United States, and travel regularly throughout California (I could use some locals at the live events!). I’m using a Maya/World Machine/SpeedTree/Da Vinci Resolve workflow (16-bit EXR filmmaking is one of our ways of using the projects), and use Reallusion’s iClone pipeline for animation (including Unreal LiveLInk, which has a free version for indies).
Peace and love. Don’t spam me with horse ■■■■, please.