I accidentally merged the default third person skeleton with a custom character i made and it messed up the default skeleton. How do i reset it back or undo this somehow?
All the aim offsets and everyhting has gone wrong, hoping theres an easy way to reset this back.
theres a few methods i can think of to restore the third person but all have flaws.
first if you haven’t saved since making the changes then you may be able to right click the asset in the content browser then go to asset actions then to reload/ revert. that will reset the asset to the state it was in when last saved.
the second method would be to reinstall the third person assets. this will erase any changes youve made to them though but will not affect other assets in the project (basically it will only reset the items specific to the template). to do this you click the green add new, then feature or content pack, then in the popup window select the third person template, then click add to project.
the last method i can think of would be to create a new project with the third person template, then migrate over the needed assets that you wish to revert.
as a disclaimer its been a long time since i’ve used these methods and it was in older versions (should be the same though). use the info at your own risk.
I know this was a while ago, but I found a good solution to help with messed up skeletons. ThompsonN13 above said to go to the add button and reimport the Third Person Assets, however this might not necessarily work. The best way I could find how to properly fix/reset the skeleton is to first rename the messed up skeleton and let it adjust all of it’s references. THEN go and add the button and then an SK_Skeleton will be there with the clean skeleton. You can then go in and reroute the references by clicking on both skeletons and clicking “replace references” and delete the bad skeleton. Hope this might help someone!