HZBO is broken in UE5 EA ? How to fix it?

I input ‘r.HZBOcclusion 1’ in FirstPersonExampleMap(UE5 EA) , it does not work corrently.

But HZBO can work in UE4 4.27.2.

So how to fix it in UE5?

By default in UE5 its switched off and you have to edit the line in
about line 282
; HZB will be slower with tiled, and not needed
; HZB will be slower with tiled, and not needed
This will need to be

The values on the command line are overridden by those in the control file

From the Ue5 source code

TEXT(Defines which occlusion system is used.\n)
TEXT( 0: Hardware occlusion queries\n)
TEXT( 1: Use HZB occlusion system (default, less GPU and CPU cost, more conservative results))
TEXT( 2: Force HZB occlusion system (overrides rendering platform preferences)),