Hyper Recurrent Crash - SceneVisibilityPrivate.h


since 5.3, we are experimenting A LOT (20 times per day) of crashes caused by this SceneVisibilityPrivate.h (line317)

It’s VERY unconvenient and stressfull since we’re soon in production and it seems we will not be able to go in 5.4.
Currently, Unreal become stable if you check the following option
project Settings → Occlusion Culling

But this option is absolutely not conceivable to use since it cause a lot of our objects (StaticMeshes and Skeletals) to disapear in a lot of cases.

I saw a lot of people experimenting this since 5.3
:pray: :pray: :pray:It NEEDS to be fix :pray: :pray: :pray:


(post deleted by author)

I’ve also been getting this exact crash probably every 15 minutes. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing, if its in Blueprints, or the main window placing meshes into a map, or even in a data table, it just happens.

I’m developing VR for the Quest 3, so disabling occlusion culling actually gives me a performance boost because they removed software occlusion culling in UE5, and getting the GPU to perform the culling on a Quest causes severe delays.

I guess I’ll have to enable Occlusion Culling and just make sure it’s disabled when I package it, but that’s super annoying