Hwo to merge 2 landscape?

I was wondering if you can do so

Short answer, no, you can’t.

Short reply: :frowning:

You can this way…Kinda a work around!


You can -> export both parts as a heightmap and the connect them in photoshop and reimport it again :slight_smile:

Is this still not possible?

nope, sadly not

yes this is possible follow my tutorial https://youtu.be/2iUYTXeb-yQ

So how do studios make massive open worlds? How is this even possible that nobody has shouted this game breaking shortfall from the rooftops??

you make sublevels/sublandscapes and stream them in

I tried that but my flat height maps were light gray and the ground level of the height map with the mountain is black. So it basically puts the area with a mountain in this huge hole. It slso makes the mountain very flat. Do you know a way around this?

Also, what happens when I need a bigger landscape than an 8k heightmap can create?
