Hurricane, the Unreal Engine 4 + Nvidia Turbulence Demo

Made this demo today while I was integrating Nvidia Turbulence and thought I should also post it here. :slight_smile:

Simulating ~8 million particles all with static object collision. (increased the hardcoded limit in the UE4)

You can download this demo / benchmark here.

Feel free to test it out and report back your results, my Titan X gets 40.5 FPS on average at stock clock on 8M benchmark, GPU-Z shows that it’s pushed to the limit with 99% utilization 100% of the time.

NOTE: I’ve now included 1M (million), 2M and 4M benchmarks along side 8M. It only works on Nvidia GPUs at this time + you may experience a driver crash if your card can’t handle it (I recommend 4GB or memory for 8M benchmark).

looking nice. is that made with the latest turbulence version of the nvidia branch from github? if so maybe you could help me out because im not getting it to work.

Hi, thanks! Yes it is, sure I’ll do my best, what seems to be the problem?

cool, first do i have to have a nvidia card? because my is broken and ive currently an older amd in my system. i saw there are different option for the physx level but they dont help out no matter which are active. the problem itself is that in the demo scene the particles are getting born but not effected by any of those fields or forces. thanks

Not sure about the Nvidia card, but I’ve tried it on my R7700HD and it crashes, I only have one AMD system and I get a display driver crash, so not looking too promising here. I took a bit of time to make a downloadable demo / benchmark out of this, so you can try it out and maybe it even works, get it here. The only thing that comes to my mind that could effect the particles is the distance, at some point the simulation stops completely, but if you’re fairly close you should see some obvious results.

I can now confirm, yes at this time, you will need an NVIDIA GPU. I have manged to get a toned down version of this demo working on my R7700HD, none of the particles are effected, soo no simulation is happening and if I just put this on my NV Titan X or on my NV GT 540M it works as expected.

I have NVIDIA GTX 570 (1.28 GB VRAM) graphics card with 8 GB RAM, Windows 7 64-bit and the newest graphics drivers. I have driver crash (black screen). Will you release next version of this demo for older graphics card (or maybe solution exists for fix my problem). It is strange, because even games with very high VRAM requirements run great on this card (like Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor or Watch Dogs).

It’s really pure GPU particles, so it kind of makes sense, don’t worry about it, it’s not even close to a real life gaming scenario. I’ll release a package of 4 versions of this demo tomorrow, 1 million GPU particles, 2M, 4M and 8M (this one). I’ll probably just update the current link, but I’ll leave another reply bellow so that you will know for sure.

Ok guys, I’ve update the link.

Now there are 4 folders in the root directory, each contains a benchmark with a different hardcoded GPU particle limit.

1M = 1 million particles
2M = 2 million particles
4M = 4 million particles
8M = 8 million particles

Now, 1M works very smoothly, 2M works OK, 4M slowly (all tests done in 1280 x 1024 resolution , default ScreenPercentage settings). During a 4M test, GTX 570 had non-stop 99 percent GPU usage and 99,5 percent VRAM usage, so indeed, this benchmark is quite good for video card stability tests.

thanks, so i have to get a new geforce.

ive just played your demo and its the same as before particles get born but arent moving. i can kind of confirm that you need a nv card :slight_smile:

I am looking for sample projects (*.uproject) made with UE4 Turbulence. I have UE4 with integrated Turbulence branch and now I would like to learn something more about this technology.