hello i was interested in finding out how to create a blue print that just mangers my character stat such as Health Thrist,Blood, ect. I dont want to in the character Blueprint is there anyway i can do this?
There is no ready-to-go blueprint type for any type of game specific rule system really, if you want to make something you kinda hafto make it yourself - witch is fun tho so, yay for learning.
You can create a generic handler of values in any blueprint since it is in effect a coding aid, but for ease of access I would put functions for that in your player controller, its easy to cast to from just about anywhere and so - might be a good place start if you want allot of freedom. In the end you probably also want to involve a game instance and maybe a game mode to store values, (aside from a save game).
found a tutorial that stepps trough a basic system for hunger it seems,
haven’t seen it but maybe its what your looking for.
thanks for the reply i have no idea how game kofe and instances work. i wanted to set up an individual blue for values just sp my character blue print isnt too crowded
Hi. A lot of thing to learn. But start with this tutorial from Epic UMG UI Inventory: Project Overview | 01 | v4.8 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube
There are Planty of ways to make your Blueprints not so crowded and more Organized. Use Functions and Categorys, Colapse Nodes or create entirly new Graphs. For Data that belongs together you can make Structs so you dont have to drop a lot of Nodes. You can also choose what to display from the struct in the Details panel simply Hide what you dont need.
As far as separating into its own Blueprint you can create a Actor Component that can be Assigned to your Character or any other Actor. You would still need to establish a bit of Comunication between Actor and the Component. The “managment” Part is up to you how you decrease health etc. and depends on your Game Mechanics.
Thats about it good Luck =)
if you are only interested in storing values during gameplay, learing about instances is maybe exactly what you want. Its basically a place to store values that remain intact between loads, so if you ever want to swap levels witouth resetting your values instances might be what you need.
They arent hard to use realy, and there are tutorials on the subject, for example.
Uhm I would rather recommand learning about SaveGame since that Data is usually saved anyway. Its not necessary to keep it around in the Game Instance even if not a Bad Idea in general, the save mechanic would still be required.