Rig: RTX 3070, i3-12100f, 32gb DDR4, 2k 165hz + FHD 75hz screens
Whenever i hover over any dropdown menu like “File” or “Build” or undock anything, for example the details menu, fps drops significantly, like from 400 to below 20 fps.
On the attached screenshot you can see Unreal Insights of me hovering over “record trace” button when tiny tip appears on top of it and crashes down my performance
I tried:
-Disabling second monitor in nvidia control panel (NCP), everything else i did with only the main screen
-Disabling G-Sync, Forcing G-Sync in the NCP, disabling FreeSync on the Monitor
-Disabling TSR, lowering all settings
-Disabling “lower CPU usage in background” in the editor settings
-Disabling FPS cap both globally and for the Unreal Editor in NCP
-Reinstalling my studio drivers, then reinstalling to gaming drivers
more that i already forgot feel free to ask