Huge apk file size for just a widget in an empty world

I’ve just started an android project with Unreal and I’m pretty beginner on this.
I successfully built and packaged my project and installed it in my android device. But, the apk file is about 250 MB although my Map is empty, my game content folder contains just some widgets and simple materials with small textures, and whole application logic is just some texts, textboxes & buttons.
Does anyone knows how can we reduce final app size depending on project assets?

If you just did this with a default project, then probably all the plugins that are enabled by default will be having an effect.

Also, maybe this helps

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Thanks for your reply,
Actually I’ve done all the suggestions in that documentations and did so many researches to get to the 250mb size.
But never tried disabling plugins. I’ll tell you if it helped.

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A lot are used in the editor only.

So I have to try turning them off one by one?

It’s probably not a bad idea to duplicate the project first. Then just turn off everything that looks irrelevant, and try packaging.

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In fact it recommends this in that article :slight_smile:

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Yes but I didn’t try. I was afraid of removing something important. But I’m going to try it on a duplicated project to test it out.

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Did it work ?