HUD Menu, need button to preform action/command

I used the tutorial at to create a menu scene for my game i modified it so i could toggle it on/off and gave it a black background but pressing the button i have created does nothing. TheAgent says he was able to implement the button preforming an action by adding this to his tutorial

function CheckBounds(float MousePositionX, float MousePositionY)
    local float FinalRangeX;
    local float FinalRangeY;

    if(bStatic == true)

    if(bIsActive == true)
       FinalRangeX = XT + Width;  //From the X position add to that the width to create a value starting from the X position to the legnth of the object.
       FinalRangeY = YL + Height; //From the Y position add to that the height to create a value starting from the Y position to the height of the object.


       if(MousePositionX >= XT && MousePositionX <= FinalRangeX && MousePositionY >= YL && MousePositionY <= FinalRangeY  )
         //`log("Within Bounds");
          bIsHighlighted = true; //Highlight Object (Switch UV Texture IDx)
           foreach ThisWorld.AllActors (class'UHUD', HUD)
          if(HUD.PendingLeftPressed == true) // this was changed from if (bClicked == true)
            `log("Clicked Button");
            ButtonClicked(Tag); // this was added
         bIsHighlighted = false;


function ButtonClicked(string ETag)
         foreach ThisWorld.AllActors (class'UHUD', HUD)

which does not work for me as i get an error stating that foreach requires a iterator, but my understanding is that class object does not have a reference to WorldInfo or Actor so iterations cant be used. (and of course if im wrong correct me :smiley: ) if someone could point me in the right direction for getting my button to preform actions/commands that would be awesome!

I solved it!

function CheckBounds(float MousePositionX, float MousePositionY)
    local float FinalRangeX;
    local float FinalRangeY;

    local DFPlayerController PC;
	local DFHUD DHUD;

    PC = DFPlayerController(InputOwner.Outer);

     `log("CheckBounds Loaded!!");

    if(bIsActive == true)
       FinalRangeX = XT + Width;  //From the X position add to that the width to create a value starting from the X position to the legnth of the object.
       FinalRangeY = YL + Height; //From the Y position add to that the height to create a value starting from the Y position to the height of the object.


       if(MousePositionX &gt;= XT && MousePositionX &lt;= FinalRangeX && MousePositionY &gt;= YL && MousePositionY &lt;= FinalRangeY  )
         //`log("Within Bounds");
          bIsHighlighted = true; //Highlight Object (Switch UV Texture IDx)
          if (DHUD.PendingLeftPressed != false)
            `log("Clicked Button");
         bIsHighlighted = false;

function ButtonClicked(string ETag)
    local DFPlayerController PC;
    local DFHUD DHUD;

    PC = DFPlayerController(InputOwner.Outer);

    if( PC != none )