HUD K2_DrawLine FLinearColor does not take Alpha

On my player HUD, I’ve tried to draw a simple line.

	if (ThePawn)
		if (ThePawn->GetLeftHandWeapon() || ThePawn->GetRightHandWeapon())
			float CenterX = Canvas->ClipX / 2;
			float CenterY = Canvas->ClipY / 2;
			float X10 = Canvas->ClipX * 0.1f;
			float Y10 = Canvas->ClipY * 0.1f;
			// Draw the left horizontal line
			Canvas->K2_DrawLine(FVector2D(CenterX - X10, CenterY - Y10), FVector2D(0 + (2 * X10), CenterY - Y10), 2.0f, VisorColor);

The VisorColor has an Alpha of 0.5.

  • RenderColor {R=0.234335005 G=0.894999981 B=0.296303988 …} FLinearColor
  •  R	0.234335005	float
     G	0.894999981	float
     B	0.296303988	float
     A	0.500000000	float

However, the line is still drawn with 100% opacity.

When I debug, the function uses the right linear color.

void UCanvas::K2_DrawLine(FVector2D ScreenPositionA, FVector2D ScreenPositionB, float Thickness, FLinearColor RenderColor)
	if (FMath::Square(ScreenPositionB.X - ScreenPositionA.X) + FMath::Square(ScreenPositionB.Y - ScreenPositionA.Y))
		FCanvasLineItem LineItem(ScreenPositionA, ScreenPositionB);
		LineItem.LineThickness = Thickness;

Is ther a limitation on FCanvasLineItem with the FLinearColor ? or is it a bug ?


Closed, because of duplication:

Can I have the link of the initiated question ?


i closed the question, because you accidently opened it twice. The link i posted is the version of your question which is still open.