Hud interface event not firing

Hi all, return hobbyist to UE.

I’ve started a new project with a hybrid approach. Created the project in C++ mode and using a mix of code and blueprints.

I am trying to set up some text to display on the screen when my character enters a trigger and I have set up the HUD and HUD interface with my event.

In the below screenshot both the prints are working, however in the next screenshots nothing is being called / triggered.

Trigger Blueprint

HUD Blueprint

I have set my Game Mode, Player Controller, Game State, HUD Class in the project settings as below.

Project Settings

I am using:
Version: 5.2.1-26001984+++UE5+Release-5.2
Platform: Windows 11 (22H2) [10.0.22621.2215] (x86_64)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!