HUD class

I have problem with my HUD class. I have created c++ vehicle project and coded my custom HUD in c++ after which I have created Blueprint from my custom HUD class. The problem I have is that all everything which I coded in c++ works fine but whenever I want use my blueprint to add some visual scripting function nothing happen (I mean wont execute) I have set my game mode and HUD class in the editor. Maybe you guys can help me because I am stuck now.

Here is my HUD class code

UCLASS(config = Game)
class AVehicleHUD : public AHUD

	/** Font used to render the vehicle info */
	UFont* HUDFont;
	virtual void DrawHUD() override;



AVehicleHUD::AVehicleHUD(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP) 
	: Super(PCIP)
	//Use font from the engine 
	static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UFont> Font(TEXT("/Engine/EngineFonts/RobotoDistanceField"));
	HUDFont = Font.Object;

void AVehicleHUD::DrawHUD()
//Draw HUD elements 
