HUD blocking onClick

I’m pulling my hair out at this. I have no idea what I did to make it suddenly stop working. I’m trying to set up a blueprint so that when I click on it, it toggles the visibility of an attached widget component, and on hover to show a tooltip-like widget. The onclick event worked, but the onhover only worked when I was clicking on the mesh. Research showed that it was the HUD blocking the mouse event and keeping focus.

I tried messing around with the visibility (Non-hit testable, etc) of the canvas panels and other components of my HUD widget to see if anything there was interfering. As far as I can tell, everything is set back to defaults. But now, suddenly, I can’t click on my blueprint. The HUD is blocking the clicks. If I remove the HUD from being created in my viewport, the clicking works as intended. I’ve tried making new blueprints and creating those instead, but the issue persists. Is there any setting I could have somehow ticked- or unticked- that would cause all widgets to block clicks?

I had the ‘set click events’/‘set mouseover events’ set up in both the level blueprint (where it belongs) and the actual actor blueprint. For whatever reason it didn’t cause an issue to have both at once initially, but at some point ue caught on and it was causing a conflict. Removing the events from the actor blueprint solved the issue.