HttpRequest delayed processing

Hello Guys.
I am implementing a request-response module for my game. I want to request to server for some data and then process the response received and use it in my game.
I know how to make a request and receive the response.

This the code I have:


class ROBOREV_WIN_API USQLDBClass : public UObject

	FString getMethod(FString method, TMapBase<FString, FString, true> argMap);

	void Request(FString requestURL, FString args);
	void RequestComplete(FHttpRequestPtr Request, FHttpResponsePtr Response, bool bWasSuccessful);

	bool responseStatus;
	FString MessageBody;


FString USQLDBClass::getMethod(FString method, TMapBase<FString, FString,true> argMap){
	FString requestURL = "";
	FString args = "";
	Request(requestURL, args);
	if (responseStatus)
		return MessageBody;
		return "";

void USQLDBClass::Request(FString requestURL, FString args){
	TSharedRef <IHttpRequest> HttpRequest = FHttpModule::Get().CreateRequest();
	HttpRequest->SetHeader(TEXT("Content-Type"), TEXT("application / json; charset = utf-8"));
	HttpRequest->OnProcessRequestComplete().BindUObject(this, &USQLDBClass::RequestComplete);

void USQLDBClass::RequestComplete(FHttpRequestPtr Request, FHttpResponsePtr Response, bool bWasSuccessful
	MessageBody = "";
	if (!Response.IsValid())
		MessageBody = "{\" success \": \" Error: Unable to process HTTP Request ! \"}";
		responseStatus = false;
	else if (EHttpResponseCodes::IsOk(Response->GetResponseCode()))
		MessageBody = Response->GetContentAsString();
		responseStatus = true;
		MessageBody = FString::Printf(TEXT("{\" success \": \" HTTP Error:% d \"}"), Response->GetResponseCode());
		responseStatus = false;

My problem is that I am expecting the HttpRequest to be processed instantly,i.e., in ‘getMethod’ function, once I make a call to the ‘Request’ function, I am hoping that the variable ‘responseStatus’ is set to true, and if it is set true I want to send the received response back.
But for some reason, the ‘HttpRequest’ is processed later. I mean, the ‘getMethod’ function is processed and then the control flow comes to the ‘RequestComplete’ function.
Is there a way to solve this? Make the getMethod function wait for the request to complete?

@Rama , I saw your profile. Can you help me with this? Sorry for tagging you in this.

The request-response works fine. My problem is that I wish to wait for the HttpRequest to be processed completely and the function ‘RequestComplete’ to complete as well. Once done, I wish to send back the data processed in ‘RequestComplete’ back to some other class.

As of now, after ‘HttpRequest->ProcessRequest()’ the control flow eventually goes back to my controller’s BeginPlay() function (from where I call the getMethod() function) and once BeginPlay() function is done, the control flow comes to ‘RequestComplete’ to process the json data returned by the webpage.

Is there a way to do this?

it seems you want to make a synchronize http request, here is my method :


		double LastTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
		while (EHttpRequestStatus::Processing == request->GetStatus())
			const double AppTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
			FHttpModule::Get().GetHttpManager().Tick(AppTime - LastTime);
			LastTime = AppTime;

		return request->GetResponse();

the core is : FHttpModule::Get().GetHttpManager().Tick()

I’m not really good at English but this is what I think about your question:
because the Http Request is aync. So the ProcessRequest function will return directly when you call it. But you want to call this and then the function will wait until RequestComplete is called?

it worked! thanks!