Hello, I am making HTTP/S requests using a plugin called Low Entry which seems to work fine everywhere except for when I do an HTML5 build.
The issue I run in to is that the authorization header gets truncated when a colon : is present. One of the api’s I use has a colon right in the middle of their token. Usually something like fdbb41af0915d9f:jdRPikVRipYDoPZT but when I view the authorization header in a browser’s network log it only shows fdbb41af0915d9f, everything up until the colon.
I am using a custom build of 4.20.3 for Oculus Go compatibility. I also posted this issue to Low Entry’s plugin page and the developer’s response was as such:
My code doesn’t do any header manipulation, so please also post this on the UE4 answerhub.