So I managed to get Html5 running on Firefox Nightly locally (still reading on getting chrome running) . However when I attempt to run it from an online host, with Nightly, the game loads but at certain point it stops. After that this message pops up…
The game runs fine locally so I assume its the building process or a host issue. After that however I have no clue…here is a link to the website with the html game.
try making changes in your file. In line 18, 1101 and 1104, there is a path to your local file system which points to your file at C:\Users\.... This local directory is not available when running the your game from an online host. Change it to (if this file is in the same directory as your html file) in line 18 and to at the other occurences and let me know if this helped.
Your suggestion worked! However, it only worked after recooking it in 4.7 . The only issue I am having now its that it takes a long time (30+min) to run after being downloaded. Maybe I have to change some settings in the cooker?
Hi, I’m glad it helped. Please mark my answer as accepted to let others now that it is a solution for this problem.
I just tested your game (assuming that the link in your question is still valid) and for me it runs within 4 min after the progress bar is completed. Note that after the progress bar is completely full, it still loads around 90 MB in the background, which obviously takes time. Is this what takes the 30+min you are talking about? When this process is finished, the Running... text appears instead of the download bar. For me, Running…` is only displayed a few seconds so unfortunately I can’t reproduce your problem.
Your game is about 200 MB in size, which is quite a lot. Try building a Shipping version, this strips out unnecessary stuff and compresses your output files.