What are your best settings to have minimum pack size of an empty project?
my best results, for now, is approx. 150MB, which is not good as I know you can take it up to 10MB.
there is no starter content included, Plugins turned off, packaging settings>shipping for distribution, create compressed cooked packages, exclude editor content when cooking, in the list of maps is map associated with the project, html5 settings> compress files during shipping packaging
Can you post what output file names and sizes that configuration gives you? It looks like compression might not be getting enabled even when selected. Also, is WebAssembly enabled? (That should output a file .wasm instead of a .asm.js)
Oh, when you have two files “foo.xxx” and “foo.xxxgz”, then only the one with the “gz” suffix needs to be hosted. That is a compressed copy of the other file. The uncompressed version is present for debugging purposes, or if running via file:// URL or a quick-and-dirty debug web server that does not support compression (such as python -m SimpleHTTPServer).
There is a boolean variable in XX-HTML5-Shipping.html that can be used to explicitly toggle whether to load compressed or uncompressed versions of the files (find Module[‘locateFile’] function)
Here this means that the file x.symbols and x.wasm do not need to be copied on a web server, which reduces most of the size here. The file XX.data should already be precompressed by UE4 itself, so compressing it to a XX.datagz should likely not reduce the size any further (though if it does, you can manually do that as well)