Does anyone have any idea when it will be possible to export again through UNREAL Without the use of what is in GitHub Because it’s very complex.
I’m considering going back to Unity just because of that. Is there a simple way to export to HTML5? Maybe a plugin and even a paid plugin?
It was removed, last version that had it was 4.23, latest is 4.26 so it wasn’t that long ago, plus most of the new features that have been added since probably wouldn’t even run properly from a browser. I don’t understand why you would want to go back to unity, when UE4 can do more even with 15 versions behind, let alone 3 XD
Unreal is much better than Unity but if there is no support in the future then I can get stuck. It’s a real shame they abandoned it. Their loss and mine and thousands of others I’m sure. Thanks.