HTML5 Experimental Network Plugin & 4.20.2

In all my projects where I have upgraded to 4.20.2 when I enable the HTML5 Websocket plugin outlined below it is causing several crashes.

In my project I believe there may only be one other conflict - Playfab - and I am actively troubleshooting. I wanted to find out if this is a known issue in anyway.


apologies for the delay – i was out on vacation last week and finally got back today.

there’s an awful lot of script errors in the console.log window.  the following two keeps spamming:

[2018.09.05-01.24.59:226][823]LogScript: Warning: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_K2_GetPawn_ReturnValue

    PlayerController_Client_C /Game/Maps/TreasureHunt.TreasureHunt:PersistentLevel.PlayerController_Client_C_0

[2018.09.05-01.24.59:226][823]LogScript: Warning: Script call stack:
    Function /Game/PlayerController/PlayerController_Parent.PlayerController_Parent_C:InpAxisEvt_Rotate_K2Node_InputAxisEvent_102

these seem to indicate that the slate objects are not wired correctly.

perhaps a content got changed, renamed, moved, etc. and the slate object no longer can find the handler properly?

the callstack i see does not show any network errors.  it seems to be hitting: