Hi, I’m having an issue with deploying any project that has custom-code classes to HTML5.
I have successfully built and launched the tappy-chicken HTML5 project with an additional 3D-walkable map for testing purposes. Once I added code to the project (for a derived Character class) which builds for windows correctly, Frontend will no longer deploy the HTML5 packaged content. All the setting are the same as the successful none-code deploy prior and are able to deploy the Original TappyChicken without issue. The ‘UE4Game-HTML5-Shipping.bc’ etc files are not created in “UnrealEngine\Engine\Binaries\HTML5” during the build process as they are with the original TappyChicken none-code project.
The log prints no errors, other than the standard “HTML5 doesnt impement deploy” which also print during the working TappyChicken build.
Am I missing something that is required for the Code project HTML5 to be build and cook correctly? An include or dependency? Something in the Target.cs file? Are html5 code-project builds something you have working at Epic?