I have successfully managed to build my project for the HTML5 platform using UE4.3 preview. I was getting very excited about this since my project hinges on it running in HTML5. But, the game loads up and there is no lighting, actually there is one light (a directional light and it is only working partially). I have tried several times by changing the lighting, making sure I have a lightmass volume set, I even removed all lights but one. Still no luck, it is just simply not rendering the lights. I cannot tell if the rest of the features are working in the final HTML5 product because I can’t see. This post is more for the Epic team to let them know about the issues. A second issue I did notice in my build is that the game does not take control of the mouse. The mouse just scrolls around and will change where I am look as it scrolls across the browser but not properly changing the view. It is moving the view UP as I scroll DOWN the browser, and moves the view LEFT when I scroll RIGHT across the browser. And last but I’m sure not least (Since I can’t see the rest of my environment) My project has the ESCAPE key assigned to exit the game but in the HTML5 build it is not working. If anyone else has worked through any of these issues I could definately use your insight.
Howdy Hatchet02,
Since this question was first posted, there have been many upgrades to UE4 and HTML5 packaging. If you are still experiencing this issue, please be sure to let me know so that I may be able to help you further.
Thanks and have a great day!