Hello I’m having issues launching an HTML5 build on Firefox. This level used to run just fine. I have made quite a bit of changes to it, which are mostly aesthetic in nature. The blueprints and menu widgets are mostly the same. [Attatched][1] is the full error report from UE4s browser debug window. Also the java [errors][2] reported by Firefox.
I’ve attempted to delete the cooked data from my project folder and re-cook, close, and re-launch the editor, then launch on HTML5 with no luck. I’ve re-compiled all blueprints in the level and repeated above steps. The last error messsage concerns me, is my level just too big? It’s an interior archviz scene with moderate interactivity, fully static lighting with uncompressed lightmaps and sits at an HTML5 build size of 265mb including all engine files. Which ran smoothly before. Will migrate this project to 4.9 after posting this and see if that will help any of these issues.
57430-html5errorlog.txt (16.7 KB)
[2]: 57461-html5errorlog2.txt (1.9 KB)
Update, sort of solved. I forced no precomputed lighting and it runs in Firefox now. However I’d like to maintain that level of lighting, any way of editing the HTML5 build to support those big beautiful lightmaps?
Second update, narrowed it down to compressed lightmaps. It seems HTML5 builds will no longer run uncompressed lighting, although I’ve read posts of people using 4.8+ uncompressed lightmaps on HTML5 builds. Is there a workaround for this? This scene needs to be the highest quality, even in browser. So I’d love to be able to use uncompressed lightmaps
I have requested additional information be provided about the most recent changes with lightmaps within HTML5 from 4.8 to 4.9. Please update us on any additional information you’ve learned if necessary for this issue.
Hi ,
I was able to have the build work in 4.9 using compressed lightmaps. Not much else I can add other than the error posted above seem to have messages completely unrelated to lightmaps, but those messages go away as soon as I check compressed lightmaps. odd
I’m glad that the errors have vanished from your project once using compressed lighting. Have you ran into any further complications at this time?