HTML5 Assets/Games to UE

Title says it all, how do I import games & assets created in HTML5 and use it in Unreal Engine? I really really need help with this.


That question doesn’t really make any sense. Can you be more specific about what you want to import?

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how can I even be more specific about that lol? It says how do I import HTML5 programmed stuff

Hey there @cashincity! Welcome to the community! There are currently no updated plugins to import HTML5 files. If you were intending to port your games to UE it’d likely be full manual porting and rebuilding on this side. All official UE HTML5 build support was cut on version 4.23 as well, so if you’re intending to build for HTML5 afterwards you’d need a version newer than that.

So its not possible at all to import HTML5 files as of currently in UE5 or a version little before?

Unfortunately not, since the feature was deprecated due to a number of reasons. The rising cost of running UE, the inefficiency of building to HTML5, costly to maintain, etc.

Even if UE5 had an HTML build target, it wouldn’t be able to utilize nanite or lumen anyway since browsers are incredibly limited in the resources they can utilize.

If you went back to 4.23 you’d be able to build to HTML5 but there was still no plugin viable at the time to take HTML5 code and wrap it over UE BP or C++. Only way you’d be able to effectively adjust it would be in the build itself, but it wouldn’t be that straight forward.

In that case, the question makes no sense at all.

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Am I able to import Unity assets to UE? Again, not build assets for unity but buy stuff from Unity store and use it for UE5, if so, what formats, and where does the line draw in terms of what kinds of Unity assets?


As long as their license allows you can port most content. Art assets like FBX files that contain models, textures, UVs, animations, rigging are supported everywhere. Same with almost all audio assets. However, materials(without hand porting), shader code, C# scripts, maps, prefabs, and anything else using a unity proprietary format will not translate. The line itself isn’t super visible unless you’ve worked with different software a bunch before. Since UE and Unity are totally different languages and APIs nothing code wise can make the jump. If you have an example I could take a look and give you pointers!

Made zero sense to me either.

Thanks for getting back to me.

That should have answered my question.

This is what I’m looking for: Roulette Game | Packs | Unity Asset Store

I highlighted what will make the trip. Green means it will likely take little to no effort to import assuming they are just textures/FBX files/sounds etc, Orange are something that requires reassembly on Unreal’s side these are mostly materials or textures you’ll need to combine into materials. Red is completely incompatible. Anything made in Unity UI or C# has almost nothing salvageable. The UI elements textures can transfer, but the code for the game itself is not happening.

Textures accidentally got highlighted red, they are supposed to be green. The PBR textures are orange because you need to make them into a material on UE side.

If possible I’d recommend just finding the art assets for a game like this and then just programming it yourself on UE side. Likely to save you a ton of money up front while you’re still learning the engine. One (not the best example) is this modular gambling table. Has the roulette wheel you need and chips, but you’d still have to program the game and find some royalty free sounds.

Alternatively I’m sure you could also find a free roulette table and chips models to work with while you’re still learning.