All projects fail running on Chrome in Windows 10 with 4.17.2. Code that worked on 4.17.1 now fails in 4.17.2. Creating a new project in 4.17.2 and launching on Chrome fails. Everything still works on Firefox.
Chrome displays the “Aw, Snap!” page after compiling the asm.js and the Chrome javascript console disconnects from the page. There’s no other error messages or any way for us that I can think of to find any additional information.
My current Chrome version: Version 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)
I’m not the only person having this issue: Launch works in Mozilla but not in Chrome - Platform & Builds - Unreal Engine Forums
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a new C++ project (I chose third person shooter)
- Launch in Chrome
- Chrome will fail
- Launch in Firefox and it will work fine
I’m not sure if this is related to 4.17.2 or if there was a new version of Chrome in the past day or a combination of both.
Hello DanimalsOnParade,
Thank you for the report. I’m currently looking into this and have reproduced what you mentioned. I’ll be testing to see if this is a regression from 4.17.1 and then testing in our latest internal build before placing in a bug report so I’ll keep you updated.
In the meantime, if this is blocking you at all, please keep in mind that you can get 4.17.1 again from our Github repository, although it will be a source built editor, rather than the Binary from the launcher.
Hi Matthew,
Thanks for confirming this. It is quite the thorn in my side and I lost some time trying to figure out how I broke my project before realizing it might be a regression bug in the engine. Firefox has its own inconsistencies and discrepancies between it and Chrome, but I think I can make do with Firefox for now.
If I “upgrade” the project to 4.18 Preview 1 for wasm (assuming that still works in Chrome), will it be able to be “upgraded” to all future 4.18 Previews and the final 4.18 version?
I appreciate your time answering me.
It will be able to be upgraded to the future versions but I would definitely suggest to make a copy of the project in 4.17 prior to upgrading, as the Preview is unstable, especially for platforms other than Windows and is not suggested for development work.
Thanks for the info! I’ll probably stay with Firefox on 4.17.2 for the time being. I’m super excited for wasm on 4.18 though!
This is apparently related to the whole asm.js vs wasm thing. The latest version of Google Chrome is related to what is causing this as, going back and testing, this happens in 4.17.0 and 4.17.1 as well, with the latest version. I’ve entered a bug mainly for tracking reasons but I doubt this will be fixed directly in 4.17. You will likely need to upgrade to 4.18 when it is released. Here is the bug report: UE-50433
I appreciate your efforts to dig into it. Thanks!
Looking forward to 4.18!