I’m trying to test my plugin on HTML, but launching the project takes forever.
It’s been 2 hours already with seemingly no progress in sights…
This can’t be normal, can it?
Thank you!
EDIT: I shutdown Chrome prior to launching & it took less than 5 minutes. Still I think it’s no good that you have to shutdown your browser. Why? Also: there’s a weird error I get even if I make a blank FPS project, [more on this here.][2]
Some builds can take longer than others, it depends on the type of project you’ve created and also your computer power. Please review our [forums][1] or our [documentation on packaging][2].
[2]: Packaging Unreal Engine Projects | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
I have a monster PC, that’s not the problem. Hot reloading usually takes less than 3 seconds for me. Rebuilding takes about half a minute.
You obviously missed my edit: it took forever because Chrome was open. Once I closed it & let it stay closed it took 5 minutes to build & deploy everything. However, I still fail to see why one should close the browser, hence I didn’t delete this question/bug report.
Are you experiencing the same issue when you simply use the launch HTML5 option in the editor, instead of the project launcher?
I am able to launch onto Chrome while Chrome is open from both the launch function and the Project Launcher function.
Alright, it seems the latest version of the engine fixed it. I don’t have to close Chrome any longer to deploy on it. I’ve just tested it on the same project & under the same conditions, except for the engine version. We can leave it here. Thank you kindly for your help, .
Firefox 52 this week released a new web spec WebAssembly, see the launch announcement here:
A part of that launch was an Unreal Engine 4 demo with WebAssembly and WebGL 2, here:
Check out the demo, it has been optimized in particular for startup times. will also follow to support WebAssembly, see here Chrome Platform Status. That will hopefully bring up their startup times closer to Firefox levels. In addition, WebKit is developing WebAssembly: 146064 – JSC should natively support WebAssembly, and Microsoft Edge is developing WebAssembly support as well: A peek into the WebAssembly Browser Preview - Microsoft Edge Blog
The work that was done for that demo to add WebAssembly support has mostly landed to upstream UE 4, hopefully it won’t take long to become available to UE4 developers.