Using Unreal 4.13.2
Tried simple test builds as well as the Tappy Chicken demo. On 4.12, FireFox was able to open shipping/development builds offline.
Now, it’s only working when using the server.
Any idea what has changed to remove this function?
Using Unreal 4.13.2
Tried simple test builds as well as the Tappy Chicken demo. On 4.12, FireFox was able to open shipping/development builds offline.
Now, it’s only working when using the server.
Any idea what has changed to remove this function?
Hi ,
On version 4.12, after packaging to HTML-5, we could open the HTML file directly via Firefox (right click, open with Firefox) and the game/app will work, without the need to launch HTML5Launcher (to emulate a local server).
I recall reading somewhere that launching without using the HTML5Launcher.exe to create a local server was something specific to Firefox. Firefox was emulating a local server already, or something like that.
In 4.13, the same process doesn’t work anymore. Trying to launch a HTML game without the server gets the game to not load.
Using HTML5Launcher does make it work with FireFox (or Chrome). Just wondering if something was removed to disable Firefox ability to emulate the server directly.
I am not seeing any changes reported in HTML5 that would necessarily cause this. Could you explain exactly what you’re doing. Are you having trouble even using a local server?
Found the information I had read about Firefox from the Unreal documentation:
With Mozilla, game can be launch in offline
Mozilla can bring large, high-performance applications to HTML5 and 64 bit browsers can allocate more than 512MB of memory to around 1.5 GB.
For things to work on chrome x32 & Chromium x64
the files need to hosted behind a web server, chrome doesn’t like direct file system access.
However, this page was updated last in March 2015, so I assume many things have changed since then.
You need to use HTML5Launcherhelper in order to create a local server for your project. HTML5 has changed a lot since 2015. We are working on documentation but it can only come in so quickly.
Make sure you review our forums too for any updates, as the forums are updated pretty regularly.