I reviewed other old answers but in code - I can’t see his solutions.
also I tried to set up console commands for resolution - all work before packaging (and in the editor and standalone good resolution). after it in localhost - it’s not work.
I reviewed other old answers but in code - I can’t see his solutions.
also I tried to set up console commands for resolution - all work before packaging (and in the editor and standalone good resolution). after it in localhost - it’s not work.
Hi 6r0m,
It looks like users were looking for a way to adjust resolution in this post: [4.7] HTML5 resolution - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums
The answer states that this doesn’t occur in 4.11 what engine version are you using?
Also, the areas you are pointing to seem to have a lot of aliasing at this point in time I’m not sure if anti aliasing is supported for html 5.
I hope that helps,
Hi Ed, I saw it, thank you,
r.set res work , but not properly - it seems that engine not understand my default resolution after packaging.
nick give me a advice, but I can’t figure out how where I can setup it(
if you give me some tips, I very appreciate this.
Hey 6r0m,
I was able to change r.setRes just fine and get expected results. Could you share how you are setting this command variable (CVar) so that I may verify that you are doing this correctly or if this is indeed a bug.
I did test play your project in the other post and the resolution does appear to be quite bad. So I am aware that something is wrong but it could be the method you are using to set that CVar.
At this point I am guessing that you are using 4.14 is that correct?
Hey, Ed. Thank you for your time!
I’m using 4.14.
and I’m try to think logical, if need me change default resolution for one project I should to go in the folder of this “myhtml5project”/config/DefaultEngine.ini
I add this as you said:
after this in the editor - same problem with edges (I think it resolution, or AA simple not work).
ok I compiled project -
it’s also bad
fullscreen not properly work too
Hi 6r0m,
I did some more testing and it actually does seem like the resolution gets messed up when going into fullscreen.
In regards to the full screen not working this has been entered as a bug and is currently being worked on. You can find the report here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-36341) (this deals with the black bars) hopefully will address the resolution issue.
I got around this by hitting “`” (this opens the console) and typing “r.setres 1920x1080”
I know this isn’t a viable solution for your customers so maybe what you can do is this:
The other issue you are seeing is anti-aliasing not functioning. After extended testing I couldn’t get good results with Anti-Aliasing so I entered this feature request: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-40091)
Let me know if anything needs to be changed or added.
Thank you, Ed.
Resolving this will be very good for html5 implementation.
Good luck.
n the future there will be an incorporated fix in the HTML shell template that UE4 uses which allows customizing between a couple of different “stock” behaviors for flexibility, e.g. fixed window, standard dpi and high dpi. These earlier resize bugs have all been confirmed to be fixed there. You can see an example of that in action in the new Zen Garden demo that launched this week,
In particular moving between fullscreen modes now allows retaining the pixel perfect high DPI rendering that reduces aliasing caused by resolution mismatching. In this solution, the “r.setres width x height” fields are not by default used, and rather developers can stylize and size the canvas from the html page. It is still possible to use the r.setres if the html page is set to “fixed” size. See the html page source of the WebAssembly demo above to get an idea of how that will work in action.