HTML 5 All black in package version

Hi, when i lauch the game to firefox from editor, It going fine, but when open the package version all screens is black, but can play.

Hey ,

When you’re packaging your project for HTML5, what are you launching it to? Are you receiving any errors other than the black screen?


This is the log when play in firefox the package version:

[link text][1]

35668-launchlog.txt (11.5 KB)

I dont get error and I can play, shoot I see the traces of the bullets and the hud.

Hey ,

So you can see everything except for the actual environment? Did you build lighting before you packaged your project?

Yes and the light is static.

Playing form launch editor

Playing from build

Hey ,

I have attempted a few different things with lighting, as well as the sky lighting to see how much of a difference it makes. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to get a completely dark room, unless I do not modify a level at all. Would it be possible for you to upload your project to an external or private website for me to download? If you would like to keep your game private, please upload it and send a PM to my forum account, which is the same username. I’m wondering whether or not you have a directional stationary light for the sun? I’d also like to see how your lights are set up in general.

Looking forward to speaking to you soon!

Hey ,

We’re still investigating your project at this time. I will update you as soon as I have additional information.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

try scalabe 2d and 3d and mobile device on package settings / target hardware

…I’ve done it and it worked.

Please try as Goerge Carlin has suggested and let us know whether or not that has worked for you. HTML5 is a lot smoother since our recent upgrades.


Hi, I’ve got the same issue : launching the game from the editor in firefox/chrome works well, but after exporting, it gets a black screen. I’ve set the target hardware options as suggested, but it’s the same.


Could you please give me your exact steps on what you’re doing once you’ve packaged your project? Could you also include the from your HTML5 project once it’s launched onto the website, or even perhaps the link to the game?


I’ve looked around and figured out that it works better (in my case) with other Target Hardware settings. Computer and Scalable are working.
Sorry for the useless push up ! :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot.

You’re welcome. Please let us know if you need any additional assistance with your project!