Hi all,
I need someone who knows a lot about blueprints and how to get them to work with the HTC Vive controllers. They need to work with the UE4 VR templates. For now I need one for the HTC Vive + the mannequinhand replaced with the controller model, but there will certainly come more in the future if you and I find a nice and good way to work together. For now I need this.
I will give you a 3d model of a button
- When the player clicks it with the right or left HTC Vive trigger a audiofile starts playing. Let say within a 2 meter radius of the button it can be pushed.
- When the player clicks the button again while the audiofile plays it stops
- In short, the button starts or stops a audiofile
- The button needs to be visualy on or off each time its pushed. I will provide the images
- I want to be able to adjust the attennuation radius of the sound.
- You need a HTC Vive yourself to test it. It needs to work with the HTC Controller template in UE4.13.
Mannequin adjustment
I need the mannequinhands from the VR template replaced with the animated models from the HTC Vive controller. I also want to be able to adjust the texture (I want to add a logo, I can do that myself).
I am on a tight schedule and need them a.s.a.p. If you have more questions, please ask. If you can only do one of the two, also no problem. PM me your price.