HQ Western Saloon

Hi everyone!
My HQ Western Saloon has been released on Unreal Marketplace!
You can get it right now - Marketplace link.](HQ Western Saloon in Environments - UE Marketplace)

On Sale now! Don’t miss it!

Here’s few screenshots and video demo:

Get it from Marketplace](HQ Western Saloon in Environments - UE Marketplace)

Good idea with these props! Looks really good, gg :wink:

Thank you! :slight_smile:

looks really cool.

Can you do another demo map and a video where you show some standard houses being built with these assets? not just a saloon? I’m assuming those sides and stuff can be used to put together a small old west town? Would be cool to see that and have some prefab houses to use as is from the pack.

Hi everyone!

All who have problems with packing project, just take a look at this forum thread please: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/350501/packagingresultserror-error-unknown-cook-failure-2.html

This looks pretty cool, nice work. =)

Thanks! =)

Hi guys!
You can get this asset with the** 40% discount** till the 18 of August!

Hi Not_lonely how do I get rid of the shadow that seems to move as you move. It’s covering the whole building but I can’t find what BP is causing it.


Hi! What engine version do you use? It looks fine on my PC.


I figured out the problem. it was a combo of using the Oculus Forward renderer and previewing the scene in VR. It seemed one of the background mountains was causing the shadow so I deleted that and it worked fine.

It’s good that you solved :slight_smile:

Hey everyone!
HQ Western Saloon is on Sale now with 50% OFF! Don’t miss it!