This tutorial will cover the creation of a new material with paintable property.
(NOTE: In most of cases there are no need of new materials, you can use ark defaults located in /Game/PrimalEarth/CoreMaterials/MasterMaterials/ and jump to point 3 to configure it)
1- Create a new material and add the paintable core nodes:
Ark-Colorization_6Channel do all the paint job for you. You only need to provide a texture mask (we will see later)
2-Add all your material parameters to MakeMaterialAttributes. I will add some basic parameters as example.
3-Now, create a material instance:
4-Assign the material instance to the mesh (works with multi-material too)
5-Open the material instance. Search for parameter IsColorized in Static switch parameter values section, and mark it. isPaintable is for painting, but i don’t tested it yet.
6-Now you can access to colorization control.
I will try to explain only the important parameters:
-Color0, Color1, Color2, Color3, Color4 and Color5, represent the dye color on each region of the mesh.
-Colorization Mask: This is the texture that have the mask that apply over your mesh texture. Every color of this texture represent a part of the mask, and its linked to a different color region.
Red represent Color0.
Green Color1.
Blue Color2.
Cyan Color3.
Yellow Color4
Pink Color5.
(NOTE: Care with Color3 and Color4 because they are switched)
7- In this example i will use the the default hatchet texture mask.
As we see, we have 4 colors, red, green, blue and cyan, that correspond to Color0,Color1,Color2 and Color3
We configure all to white (White represents no dye):
8-Open your object blueprint and look for Allow Structure Color and Allow Structure Color Set.
Mark Allow Structure Color and in Allow Structure Color Set mark 1, 2, 3, 4 that are the same that we configured the step before.
9- Now we can paint over our object