HowTo: Make objects paintable

This tutorial will cover the creation of a new material with paintable property.
(NOTE: In most of cases there are no need of new materials, you can use ark defaults located in /Game/PrimalEarth/CoreMaterials/MasterMaterials/ and jump to point 3 to configure it)

1- Create a new material and add the paintable core nodes:

Ark-Colorization_6Channel do all the paint job for you. You only need to provide a texture mask (we will see later)

2-Add all your material parameters to MakeMaterialAttributes. I will add some basic parameters as example.

3-Now, create a material instance:

4-Assign the material instance to the mesh (works with multi-material too)

5-Open the material instance. Search for parameter IsColorized in Static switch parameter values section, and mark it. isPaintable is for painting, but i don’t tested it yet.

6-Now you can access to colorization control.

I will try to explain only the important parameters:
-Color0, Color1, Color2, Color3, Color4 and Color5, represent the dye color on each region of the mesh.
-Colorization Mask: This is the texture that have the mask that apply over your mesh texture. Every color of this texture represent a part of the mask, and its linked to a different color region.
Red represent Color0.
Green Color1.
Blue Color2.
Cyan Color3.
Yellow Color4
Pink Color5.
(NOTE: Care with Color3 and Color4 because they are switched)

7- In this example i will use the the default hatchet texture mask.

As we see, we have 4 colors, red, green, blue and cyan, that correspond to Color0,Color1,Color2 and Color3
We configure all to white (White represents no dye):

8-Open your object blueprint and look for Allow Structure Color and Allow Structure Color Set.
Mark Allow Structure Color and in Allow Structure Color Set mark 1, 2, 3, 4 that are the same that we configured the step before.

9- Now we can paint over our object :slight_smile:

Thanks for making this tutorial :slight_smile: I did everything like your tutorial, but I must still be doing something wrong somewhere, it shows the paintable regions, everything looks good, but when I go to paint it, nothing happens. :confused: i donno, bout to give up making it paintable

More info on coloring is available here: Colorization - ARK Dev Kit Documentation

OMG, thank you!! This was driving me nuts last night, and I had no idea what was going on.

Found my mistake forgot to set them to white, I can dye the item now a single color, but I can’t paint it, really after being able to paint on it. Gonna go look at some of the values in the other textures in game, maybe they will help.

should rename this thread “How to make Structures Dye-able”

Has this stopped working for anyone else? I had a paintable smithy working in the editor just a week ago, but now when I hit it with the paintbrush, the color regions are all grayed out. I didn’t change anything. I’ve noticed in game that you can hit several otherwise unpaintable objects with the paintbrush and get the same results, so I’m assuming they introduced a bug, but I wanted to see if maybe they simply added a new step to the process.

Edit: Nevermind. Found my problem. It was something I was doing wrong, not Ark.

that didn’t worked right for me anyone know why it looks like this?

Could it be using the wrong colorization mask in the MIC?

(Model looks great, btw).

i using the hatchet colorization mask with white color 0 1 2 3

Are your UVs clean?

I’ve been making my own color masks for each model, so I can precisely place the paint where I want, and I haven’t had any problems, so I’m struggling to think of things that could be causing this.

UVs are the problem. They are repeating the same part of the texture.