HOWTO: Add new structure variants

Is it possible to alter a single parent class to effect for all placeable structures in particular the visual ‘tool-tip’ players see when looking at placeable structures? If so do you or anyone else here know where to start looking?

Hello, I’m new to the modding scene and decided it would be really cool to start making some custom dino armor. Of course I have gone through many tutorials over the past few days to figure things out. I have created the armor in Blender, imported it to ADK and it functions fine, but I’m having trouble linking the model I’ve made to the actual primal item/engram. I’m also having problems attaching a saddle to a dino. Any hints, since there are 0 tutorials on saddles out there, on what settings I need to change to allow this item to be attached to the official dino skeleton? If anyone’s curious I started with the Kaprosuchus, my favorite dino, and am just building a crappy test armor set first to get correct sizing and such. So any other hints are also welcome.

Hello. I just started getting into modding and am planning on reading and watching as much as I can on it before I get started on my first mod. I have a question for before I do get started. If an item doesn’t have an inventory, how would I go about adding an inventory to it, like the bear trap, for example?

Question. I wanna add some glow/ light to a structure (Floor). How do I do that?

Soooo… People stopped helping?

In the Components tab, click the Add button on top-left, search for “light”, add it, and tweak the parameters in the details section.

Thx Dude:D
One question more, if I may.
I can not dye my floor ingame. I triede diffrent settings but it wont work. Do you know what settings I have to change?

you need to have color regions set on the structure (checkboxes denoting which regions you want active) and also you need to have a color map that tells it what regions to dye what color. Open any paintable structures material and see how they do it.
This will help too…s/colorization

I followed this tutoriel but it’s still not working and i don’t know why

I made a video who will shaw you what i did.- YouTube
Im not a native english speaker, so i speak slowly. You can accelerate the video by 1.25 or 1.50

Also this is my mod source files : Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.

If anyone could help me i’ll be grateful

Thank you in advance :slight_smile: