How you find game minimum requirements?

Hello, so any program, or what? :slight_smile:

Normally you’d have a functionality QA dept handling that sort of thing. There’s some automation and human operators / analysts. Assuming you’re asking from the Indie-dev point of view, though :slight_smile:

As a general rule of thumb, you run it on multiple hardware configurations / game settings and collect data.

In order to get somewhat consistent results, you’d write an AI bot that’d fake-play the game and perform similar actions as players would. Or think along the lines of a built-in benchmark with a camera fly-through. A small automation tool like that would help a lot - ideally, it’d would gather, display and save the pertinent data

Once you have the data, you can draw conclusions. There are no set rules or metrics; I guess 1080p / 30 fps on Lowest settings should be the entry point. You could simulate performance to an extent by disabling CPU cores on your super-duper-dev-rig and gimping the GPU via underclocking (if you know what you’re doing). Eject a RAM stick.

You could consider distributing a limited demo version to friends / family, ask them to run the Benchmark you created on their machines and send the results for Low / Med / High back.

This should give you a rough idea of how the game performs across more configurations.

Some serious reading:


Thanks for the answer :slight_smile: But I started with a game which have simple 3D graphics, 0 effects and post-processes, so minimum requirements can be looks like “any working PC with Win7 and DirectX 10” :smiley: I thinking about adding resources usage instead of adding model of core and graphic card.

As an example - it will not run under DX10. You will also need Shader Model 5 so a lappy with HD2/3/4000 may not cut it.

Better test it actually runs on that min config.

Not will run under DX10? But 4.22 have DX10 setting.

Wait, wait, wait …
There no tips, so is this support of DirectX 10 or what? :slight_smile:

All I am saying is that I’d consider actually testing that it runs rather than tell paying customers that it does.

You can use this as a base to work from

How do people “game” on a 1060? Does the world only play Pong?

Great resource though. Scary as it may be.

Re directX10.
Try running the editor with -d3d10 as a command line argument.

Before you do, do check that dx10 is installed on your machine?
Last time I tried to publish I has the option for it. Granted it’s been a while since the engine is basically unusable. But still.

Either way, let’s all remember that dx10 is now what 11 or 15 years old? Scratch that. I looked it up. 26 years old
Maybe DX11 is a bit more solid as a base requirement?

When Battlefield 1 out, I made a small competition between friends, I asked them how many FPS I will get on ultra settings, if I will use old GT640 (ofc I cant change i7 to older CPU, even if I will keep it), but noone was close :slight_smile: Its 15-25 FPS in MP, and 25-35 FPS in SP (which is playable).

The problem which I found its that some DirectX 10 based cards have 128 and 256 MB VRAM, when my game uses about 400 MB.

Yea, but its more like for how many graphics you can add into you game :slight_smile:

Also, integrated GPUs have no vRAM and use the super slow (by comparison) system RAM instead, leaving less resources for the rest of the OS. Not talking about APUs here.


There’s got to be more to it than just that, otherwise we would all be using integrated gfx off a thread ripper.
If it was only about calculations, I think this could very well be the case.
Interesting nonetheless.

Either way. Using DX10 now, is essentially like making a N64 game that still works on an N64 cartridge.
Not impossible, by any means, but maybe a bit pointless unless it’s some kind of scholastic exercise about “excellent” programming… definitely nothing using ue4/5…

This has always been Intel’s approach. As an example: these are modern CPUs with integrated Intel Iris Xe. All of them support DX12.1 yet none has any vRAM whatsoever. They all use / share system RAM. It’s still good enough to play GTAV on medium @anonymous_user_f8e33caa1 fps. Not bad for something as small as one’s fingernail.

There’s usually a generational gap between DDR RAM. If your OS runs DDR4, it’s likely that the beefy GPU needs GDDR5/6 at this point. Using slow system RAM where bandwidth is really needed has significant performance implications. But it’s actually not too bad since those tiny chips are underpowered anyway and no one expects them to run fast.

Extra reading in case someone gets excited by random access memory in general :blush:

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