How would you re-learn blueprints?

I’m trying to come at this a few different ways, so I figured I’d ask others.

If you had to re-learn the unreal engine and blueprints again from little to no knowledge, how would you go about doing it?

Hey :slight_smile:

There are dozens of threads about ‘How to get started with Blueprints’. You should try to use the search bar to get already existing feedback from the community.

Most of the threads will end up with:

  1. Look into the Learn-Tab. There you can find the documentation and video tutorials.
  2. If you have a problem, please have a look into the AnswerHub.
  3. And you should have a look on YouTube there are loads of good tutorials.

hfgl :slight_smile:

The same way I learned it in the first place. Choose a project. Build the project brick by brick. Hit up tutorials and other resources as I tackle the creation of each brick. Continue to iterate on systems as I learn.

I really don’t understand why would you want to relearn them…

I mean, Blueprints are basically logic…

I think Medii is getting trying to get advice on what is the best method of learning how to use blueprints, not literally if you somehow forgot the blueprints system how would you relearn it.

Just like before, I would use the official Unreal Engine youtube channel.

Just like before, I would start with the 3rd Person series.

However, this time I would take notes with paper and pen. Now I know what kind of game i want to make, i would concentrate on solving the problems I needed to, to make that happen. (And get less bogged down with things like rendering).

Other than that, it is just down to playing around in Unreal. There is no substitute for time spent developing.