How Would I Go About Making A Trailing Set of 2D Objects? Like a Snake or Ribbon

Fairly new to the UE4 workflow, having a good time. I’m looking to make a Character Actor that moves much like you’d expect your traditional snake, but with free 360 degree movement, with the head being controlled and a tail of adjustable length following a path left by the head.

While I imagine I could probably manage something similar with physics in 3D, what I’m after is a 2D sprite, or collection of sprites more like, that will follow the exact path the head has taken.

So far, I’ve managed to figure out getting an actor to spawn points on a spline as it moves,

(Many thanks to ‘Everynone’ in this thread )

but converting that into a consistent snake is buggling me. Hoping that some more experienced Unreal Devs can give me some advice on what to do. Should I even be using splines in the first place?

There are some videos, that show the entire process for a snake game in UE4 :slight_smile: Here is one if those, you just have to replace the meshes for the head and tail with your sprites, rest should be the same (ok, alter the movement to your 360 degree movement too ^.^ ):

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Yeah that’s not really what I’m after. Thanks though.

Sorry to hear that :confused: But i have to thank you, since this video i linked, helped me to create a 2D snake for one of my projects ^.^ I just had altered the snake from that tutorial to my wishes, like easier adjustable speed, head rotation and adjustable lenght :slight_smile:

Hope you can find, what you are looking for.