Hello all for the third time! Before I continue, I would like to say this is my third question and I will be returning back answers to other people’s questions as soon as I am familiar with UE. I’m 15 years old and a noob, so forgive me.
I have done the level designing and animations for the character(s). All is good! However, I am thriving to implement a blueprint.
I have designed a mansion and everything is setup. My idea for the plot is, the character has to search around the house for scrolls and paperwork and has to stand within a distance of the paperwork/book/ in order to retrieve it. After he finds 8, he completes the game. This can be directly related to the plot of “Slender” where you have to go looking for papers.
Any idea on how to do this with blueprints?
- create actor blueprints for the scrolls
- in the character bp you will have to create a bool variable for each scroll (so in your case 8 bool variables - they should be turned off)
- now in the actor blueprint you will have to cast to your character
- from the cast you will have to “set” the bool (scroll 1 = bool 1; scroll 2 = bool 2;… so that you have the right bool in your actor bp’s
- now create a capsule in your actor bp
- add a capsule on begin overlap event and activate the bool with it
- now add a destroy action and connect the mesh + the capsule to it
- connect the overlap event with the destroy
- now in your character bp you can add a branch with all 8 bools (bool and) → when all bools are on true (so he has picked up all of the scrolls) it will activate the action at the true link → so either you load the menumap (?v=vBADl-gbITQ) or you quit the game
That’s the basic theory behind it ^^ (without HUD elements)
I found an alternative but thank you for the answer, great to understand different go abouts.
Good to hear that you found another way
Could you probably post your alternative?