Im pretty new to unreal, Ive seen the rogue like deck builder starter pack on the store but I dont think it will be what I need. where do i start?
I suggest the BeginPlay of epic learnning which are pretty good: BeginPlay | Learning path
For a deck builder you will most likely need those:
Data Table / Data Asset: To keep a full list or category of your deck type or all card that will contain description, effect, lvl, texture…
Change location of card: In a match the card will need to be move from place A to B, so you will need to learn Lerp ActorLocation with a FunctionTimer or Timeline.
Display Card: Grab the CardID link to your data table/asset to pull on data needed on the card(which can be a widget component)
Mouse Interaction: Research on how to interact an object with a mouse click, such as [line trace] or [Get Hit Result Under Cursor] or [ActorClicked], and function interface + event dispatcher to properly communicate between objects.